Parochial C of E Primary School | Keppel Street, Ashton-under-Lyne, Lancashire OL6 6NN

Tel: 0161 3436070
Twitter: ParochialCofE

Proud member of the Forward as One Multi Academy Trust.
Forward As One Church of England Multi Academy Trust
(A Company Limited by Guarantee),
Registered in England & Wales, Registered office,
Newnham Street, Bolton, BL1 8QA
Company Number: – 08212263

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Call: 01204 333741

Parochial CofE Primary And Nursery School, Ashton-under-lyne

Growing Together in God

Hello and welcome to our Year 1 class page.

Here you will find some information about what your child will be learning in English, Maths, Science, Religious Education and Topic. There will also be some links available to navigate you in the right direction in helping you continue your child's learning at home. 

I am looking forward to getting to know you all and please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions.


Miss Hulme and Miss Ferguson

What's happening this half term in Year 1?

Our Topic this half term is all about...

Under the Sea

 In our Topic this half term we will be learning about 'Under the Sea'. This topic covers a range of aspects, allowing children to explore and learn about the five oceans, planning journeys using compass directions and exploring plastic pollution. The children will be learning all about how to plan a journey using a compass, draw a simple map using symbols, and understanding the affects humans have on the five oceans. 

This half term we will cover the following objectives:

To use compasses and directional language to plan a journey.

    • To use basic symbols to draw a map.
    • To explore Ariel view photographs and identify physical features.
    • To understand the impact humans have on the oceans and how we can protect the oceans.


We also have the exciting opportunity to visit SEA LIFE Manchester, Trafford. The trip will commence on Tuesday 9th July and is a paid trip. To sign your child up, please visit Abor and select the trip section.

Geography Knowledge Organiser -  Under the Sea 


In English this half term, we will be looking at a piece of poetry called ‘I Spun a Star’. Our aim is to write a list poem about space. We will be using our senses to help us describe and our imagination to explore ideas. Children will work independently and in small groups to collaborate ideas to ensure the best outcome in their writing. 

Then, we will be focusing on the  story ‘Goldilocks and Just the One Bear’ to help us in writing a traditional story.  We will be focusing on using story language, sequencing events, past tense and story structure. Over the term, we will be working towards writing our own version of the story with a change of setting and character. 

To support your child at home, you can read similar traditional stories with them to familiarise them with the structure and events.  You can also complete short bursts of writing by saying the sentences they will write, Fred talking using Fred fingers and using capital letters, full stops and finger spaces accurately. 



 In Maths this half term we will be looking at number and place value, time and money.  We will cover the following:

  1.  Position and direction

  2. Numbers to 100
  3. Money 

To help support your child's learning at home, you can continue to work on their number bonds to 5 and 10. If your child has completed this step, you can move onto number bonds to 15 and 20. This is a great way to get involved in your child's learning and boost their confidence. Children who have completed all number bonds need to practice their time. Seek advice from Miss Hulme or Mrs Singh about what to practice and when. 


Please remember to complete maths homework, as this links back to your child's learning. 

Homework can be found on Class Dojo.

Religious Education:

Our religious Education topic this half term is:

How should we care for the world and others, and why does it matter?


Within this unit, pupils will encounter stories and texts that say something about different people being unique and valuable, making links to Christian and Jewish worldviews and the belief that God loves all people. Pupils will revise their knowledge of Genesis 1 and what this account of creation tells Christians and Jews about caring for the world. Later in the unit, pupils will think carefully about different ways that Christians and Jews care for people of the world, including giving to charities, and how this action links to teachings found within the Bible and the Torah. Pupils will also take time to consider why people who are religious and non-religious should care for others and look after the natural world.



In Science this half term, Year One are learning all about....


The children will be learning all about inventors in our Science topic this half term.

We will be exploring different types of conservationists and how the previous work of Robert Davis helped us to flourish in underwater studies. 

 Below is our knowledge organiser for Science. It includes many key facts to help the children flourish in their learning. 

Science Knowledge Organiser - Scientists and Inventors 

Maths - Uploaded to Class Dojo on Monday due Friday.

Spelling - Uploaded to Class Dojo on Monday and tested on Friday.

Phonics reading books will be changed on Monday and must be returned on Friday.

It is essential for your child's progress that they read at home as often as possible, and you record this via Class Dojo.

Library books are changed on Wednesday

Please remember to pack your child's reading book in their book bag.  Lost or damaged books will result in a charge of £2.

Year 1 Learning Log 

Below are some great resources to use with your child at home if you have to isolate. 

This pack is available to download on

Below are some great practical ideas!

WOW Websites for learning - username and password provided, if you need this just let us know! - a great Maths game where children can work on number bonds, doubles and halves and mental addition and subtraction. You can access for other Maths games too! - username and password provided, if you need this just let us know! - another place you can access free e-books - a great website to keep up with what's happening in the world, you could research one aspect further and write about it! - For children working on gaining an understanding of numbers to 10, there are different episode you can watch and join in with

Year 1 Expectations

By the end of the year, your child should have achieved the following objectives. Please ensure you read this document carefully as it will allow you to support your child at home with their home learning/homework. 

Last update: 2023-06-10