Parochial C of E Primary School | Keppel Street, Ashton-under-Lyne, Lancashire OL6 6NN

Tel: 0161 3436070
Twitter: ParochialCofE

Proud member of the Forward as One Multi Academy Trust.
Forward As One Church of England Multi Academy Trust
(A Company Limited by Guarantee),
Registered in England & Wales, Registered office,
Newnham Street, Bolton, BL1 8QA
Company Number: – 08212263

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Parochial CofE Primary And Nursery School, Ashton-under-lyne

Growing Together in God

Welcome to your Year 6 class page!

Mr Greenhalgh and Miss Harrison

Looking for some Extra Practice? 

Below are some links directly to some educational sites that children can use to practice their skills. 


BBC Science Challenges

BBC Grammar Challenges

BBC Maths Challenges


TT rockstars

Grammar Skill Games

Top Marks Maths Games

Purple Mash

ICT Games

Even more games!


Monday's homework will be a SPaG Activity. This is due on a Wednesday. All homework will be given out via Dojo. 

Monday's homework will be a Maths Activity. This is due on a Friday. All homework will be given out via Dojo. 

This terms newsletter...

This topic's Knowledge Organiser...

Hello and welcome to our Year 6 class page!

Here you can find out what we are doing in English, Maths, Science as well as find out more about our topic this term. 

We also have some links available to use to help you continue your child's learning at home. In addition to this, please read regularly with your child. 

Thank you so much for all your efforts with your learning logs this term, we are looking forward to having a good look at all your hard work. 

Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or queries. 


Thank you, 

Mr Greenhalgh and Miss Harrison


In English, we will start the term by focusing on Poetry, more specifically ‘For Forest’ by Grace Nichols. We will be focusing on how personification can aid in creating a fitting tone for a poem. Once we have completed our poetry unit, we will then start looking at ‘Skychasers’. An adventure story where children will build up to writing a recount of the events.

How you can help your child?
Encourage your child to read their school reading book and ask them questions about the book which they are reading. Also, please encourage your child to log on to Reading+ at home, to help them level up and develop their reading skills.


In Maths, we will be focusing on Algebra. We will begin by working with simple, one and two step functions, before moving on to explore substitution and solving different algebraic calculations. We will end our topic by exploring algebra- based problem solving questions.

How you can help your child?  
Practice times tables and division facts regularly. Encourage your child to log on to Sumdog and TT Rock Stars to practice their multiplication facts and battle against their friends to become a Rock Star champion!


This term our theme is Frozen Planet.

This term our theme is Frozen Planet. We will be exploring the Arctic and the Antarctic as well as looking at the climate and weather of these areas. We will also explore what wildlife can be found in the polar regions, as well as what is happening to the habitats of these animals. 

How you can help your child? 
Please keep asking your children what they have been learning in their Geography lessons as discussion at home is very important.


In Science, our topic is Scientists and Inventors. We will look explore the background and work of three main scientists, including:

  • Charles Darwin
  • Alan Turing
  • David Attenborough

How you can help your child? 
Please keep asking your children what they have been learning in their science lessons as discussion at home is very important.

Religious Education

This half-term in RE, we will be exploring Hinduism and answering our big question 'Why do Hindus want to be good?' We will look at Brahman, define atman and think carefully about the analogies used to describe the links between Brahman and different deities.