Parochial C of E Primary School | Keppel Street, Ashton-under-Lyne, Lancashire OL6 6NN

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Twitter: ParochialCofE

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Parochial CofE Primary And Nursery School, Ashton-under-lyne

Growing Together in God

Welcome to your Year 5 class page!

This half term we will be learning about 

Earthquakes and Volcanoes 

Earthquake, Volcano and Tsunami (127 books)

Looking for some Extra Practice? 

Below are some links directly to some educational sites that children can use to practice their skills. 

Reading Plus

BBC Science Challenges

BBC Grammar Challenges

BBC Maths Challenges


TT rockstars

Grammar Skill Games

Top Marks Maths Games

Purple Mash

ICT Games

Even more games!

Hello and welcome to our Year 5 class page!

Here you can find out what we are doing in English, Maths, Science as well as find out more about our topic this term. 

We also have some links available to use to help you continue your child's learning at home. In addition to this, please read regularly with your child and encourage them to read independently for at least ten minutes, nightly. 


Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or queries. 


Thank you, 


Mrs Sells



In poetry, we will be writing to entertain by writing a song for a character of the countryside. As well as this, we will be writing an information text about Jean-Michel Basquiat that would be suitable for an art gallery.


How you can help your child?

Encourage your child to read their reading book and ask them questions about the text which they are reading. Also, please encourage your child to log on to Reading Plus to access a wide range of reading books and quizzes.




In maths, we will be adding and subtracting decimal numbers, multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000,  counting beyond 0 including negative numbers, converting kilograms and kilometres, millimetres and millilitres and converting units of time,

How you can help your child?   Practice times tables and division facts regularly. Encourage your child to log on to Sumdog and TT Rock Stars to practice their multiplication facts and battle against their friends to become a Rock Star champion.


This terms newsletter...

This topic's Knowledge Organiser:

Science Unit -Properties and changes in Materials


Monday - We will set either a spelling list or a grammar activity on Class Dojo, to be completed for Wednesday. 


Wednesday - We will set a maths activity on Class Dojo, to be submitted for Friday. 


Half termly learning logs will be set, linking to the next topic. 

Year 5 Common Exception Words 



As geographers, we will learn how a volcano is formed, be able to locate volcanoes around the world, understand how earthquakes happens, how natural disasters affect human choices, what the impact the eruption of Mount Vesuvius had and what caused the Boxing Day tsunami in 2004.

How you can help your child?

Can children explore the mills that existed in their local area. What were the mills used for? Who would have worked in them and what would their roles have been? Perhaps you can visit the mills or locate them on a map?



As scientists, we will Learn that some materials will dissolve in liquid to form a solution, use knowledge of solids, liquids and gases to decide how mixtures might be separated, demonstrate that dissolving, mixing and changes of state are reversible changes, explain that some changes result in the formation of new materials, and that this kind of change is not usually reversible.

How you can help your child?

Can children learn a rhyme or poem to help them name the different planets in the solar system? Can children create a moon diary to show the different phases of the moon over the course of the month?

Class Text this Term: 

 The Unforgotten Coat – Oxford Graded Readers

Two refugee brothers from Mongolia are determined to fit in with their Liverpool schoolmates, but bring so much of Mongolia to Bootle that their new friend and guide, Julie, is hard-pressed to know truth from fantasy as she recollects a wonderful friendship that was abruptly ended when Chingis and his family were forced to return to Mongolia. Told with the humour, warmth and brilliance of detail which characterizes Frank Cottrell Boyce's writing, this magical and compelling story is enriched by stunning and atmospheric Polaroid photos. This title is written by a popular, best-selling and prize-winning author.

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